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Dwayne Johnson Reportedly Threatened Vin Diesel’s $20M Paycheck, Nearly Wrecked $1.45B Movie: ‘This feud made shooting Fast nearly impossible’



The infamous feud between brothers-turned-enemies has left scars and divided teams in the Fast & Furious franchise. Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel started an all-out war on the sets of their last shared movie The Fate of the Furious (the submarine one!).

Things allegedly became so bad that The Rock threatened Vin Diesel’s hefty $20 million paycheck by warning the actor that he would simply walk out of the production. Johnson alleged that Vin Diesel used his authoritative powers as a producer of the movie to cut scenes involving The Rock and that he had had enough.

Dwayne Johnson And Vin Diesel Threatened Each Other

Reprising their lead roles of Dominic Toretto and Agent Hobbs in the eighth installment of the franchise, Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson parted ways post the movie’s release. The Fate of the Furious was the last time that the duo worked together following which Dwayne Johnson announced his departure from the franchise.

Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel in Fast Five (2011).

According to details revealed by Business Insider, Vin Diesel reportedly got a whopping $20 million to portray his role as Dominic Toretto in the movie. It was alleged that Dwayne Johnson threatened Vin Diesel after their on-set dispute. With warnings of walking out, The Rock almost made the movie crash on its heels if he were to leave abruptly.

A YouTube video recalled the reason for the actor’s disputes while noting that Vin Diesel allegedly abused his powers as a producer to cut down scenes of Dwayne Johnson. According to the Jumanji actor, Diesel was often late to the movie sets which made shooting The Fate of the Furious “nearly impossible”. 

Although it was a bad ordeal that the actors had to get through, Vin Diesel revealed his side of things in an interview. Stating that this was nothing but method acting and tough love to keep the emotions intact, Vin Diesel wants a return of the actor.

Vin Diesel’s brotherly love seemed to backfire on him.

In an interview after the release of The Fate of the Furious, Vin Diesel revealed that the whole ordeal was exaggerated by the media and was a thing of the past.

The Bloodshot actor alleged that he was using his authority as a producer to protect Dwayne Johnson and not remove him from the movie. The actor also admitted that to bring their on-screen hatred for each other, Diesel used the tough love strategy on Dwayne Johnson.

This strategy and other tactics certainly seemed to backfire on the actor as Dwayne Johnson left the franchise for good with no thoughts of returning. Fast X is currently gearing up for a release wherein Jason Momoa is set to star as the next big antagonist. Fast X is currently slated for a release date of 19th May 2023 in theaters across the U.S.

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Paul Walker’s Daughter Meadow Shares Tribute on Late Actor’s 50th Birthday: ‘My Guardian Angel’



Meadow Walker is remembering her late father Paul Walker on what would have been his 50th birthday.

On Tuesday, the 24-year-old penned an emotional tribute to her dad on Instagram alongside a sweet black and white photo of them together in a father-daughter moment.

“Happy birthday to my guardian angel ????,” the model and actress began. “Thank you for your love, guidance, friendship, sunshine and for raising me to see all of the beauty in the world. You are the most kind, humble, generous and caring soul I know. You taught me at a young age to always treat everyone with respect, to do good and to take care of our planet.”

“I love you and miss you every day,“ she concluded her post.

Meadow’s post comes after she honored her father earlier this year by appearing in the latest Fast and Furious movie. She also opened up about her cameo appearance in Fast X on Instagram.

Alongside a behind-the-scenes image from the production of herself on a monitor on set, she wrote, “A preview of my cameo in Fast X. The first fast was released when I was one year old! I grew up on set watching my father, Vin, Jordana, Michelle, Chris and more on the monitors.”

„Thanks to my dad, I was born into the fast family. I can’t believe now I get to be up there too. With those who have been around to see me grow up.“

She concluded the post, “I am so blessed to be able to honor my father’s legacy and share this with him forever x I love you all so much.”

Meadow Walker tribute to paul walker instagram birthday 09 12 23
Meadow Walker pays tribute to her late dad Paul Walker.MEADOW WALKER/INSTAGRAM

Meadow’s godfather Vin Diesel, who plays Dominic Toretto in the movie franchise, commented with a single praying emoji.

Paul starred in the first seven Fast and Furious movies, making his final appearance in Furious 7. Following his death in a car crash in November 2013 at the age of 40, the film was finished with his brothers Caleb Walker and Cody Walker appearing as body doubles for his character Brian O’Conner.

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Fast & Furious 11 – What to Expect from Fast X Part 2



Fast & Furious 11 or Fast X Part 2– whatever you prefer calling it, is destined to be a cultural moment, especially following the roller-coaster that was its predecessor. With its release date pinned down, fans across the globe are giddy with anticipation. This article dives deep into the various facets of what this new installment might bring.

Fast and Furious 11 Release Date:

The official release date for Fast & Furious 11 is April 4, 2025. However, a potential roadblock is the ongoing writers’ strike in the United States. Universal Studios’ concerns about how the strike might affect the writing process and subsequent filming could potentially lead to delays. Fans may need to exercise patience, but it’s bound to be worth the wait.

Cast Expectations for Fast X Part 2:

Returning Cast:

The official casting list is pending, but given the franchise’s history and narrative arcs, it’s safe to assume Vin Diesel will reprise his iconic role of Dominic Toretto. Michelle Rodriguez (Letty), Charlize Theron (Cipher), Jason Statham (Deckard Shaw), and Jordana Brewster (Mia) are also strong contenders for returns, given their storylines in „Fast X.“

Potential New Faces:

There’s a whirlwind of excitement around potential newcomers, especially around Brie Larson’s character, Tess. The mere mention of Robert Downey Jr joining as someone promoting driverless cars – a complete antithesis to Dom’s character – is enough to set the rumor mills ablaze.

Fast and Furious 11 Plot Speculations:

Fast X left several key characters in precarious situations, creating plenty of intrigue around the plot of Fast & Furious 11. Dom, Brian, Roman, Tej, Ramsey, and Han’s fates hang in the balance, and while Dom and Brian are expected to find a way out of their predicament, the destiny of the other four remains uncertain.

Letty and Cipher are left stranded in Antarctica, and the sudden reappearance of Gisele adds an exciting twist to their story. Deckard Shaw embarks on a mission to save his mother from Dante’s henchmen, while Hobbs becomes Dante’s prime target, setting the stage for his solo movie.

Director Louis Leterrier has revealed that the events of Fast X were written with the knowledge of the franchise’s eventual conclusion. While the specifics of the ending are still a well-guarded secret, the creators are committed to delivering a fitting and satisfying conclusion. The Fast & Furious family is set to go out with a bang, and fans can expect an electrifying and emotional ride.

Fast and Furious 11 Trailer:

As of now, filming for Fast & Furious 11 has not yet begun, which means there is no trailer or footage available. Fans eagerly awaiting a glimpse of the action can expect to wait until at least 2024 before the first teaser or trailer is released.


Fast X Part 2, is shaping up to be an electrifying addition to the beloved franchise. With a star-studded cast and a storyline that promises high-octane thrills, fans can anticipate another unforgettable cinematic experience. As we count down to April 4, 2025, fans of the Fast & Furious series can rest assured that the wait will be worth it, as the franchise continues to redefine the boundaries of action and entertainment. Stay tuned for updates as we approach the release date!

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Vin Diesel Was Suspiciously Coy When Asked About Possible Tom Cruise Collaboration – Can We See Cruise In Fast 11?



If there is one thing that Vin Diesel is good at besides his compelling acting skills and remarkable personality, it’s his exceptional ability to keep secrets. But even after being incredibly confidential, sometimes his expressions and body language give away, and that’s exactly how rumors about a possible collaboration with Tom Cruise gained more fuel.

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel

This comes after Diesel’s suspiciously coy reaction when he was asked in an interview following the release of Fast X if fans could look forward to a possible collaboration between Cruise and him for his next film from the Fast saga.

Vin Diesel’s Reaction To Tom Cruise Collab Rumors Was Suspiciously Coy

(L-R) Ludacris, Tom Cruise, and Vin Diesel at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Miami

(L-R) Ludacris, Tom Cruise, and Vin Diesel at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Miami

Tom Cruise is one of the biggest names in the action industry, and his own Mission: Impossible film series among others is the proof of it. So having him star in the next and last film of the Fast & Furious movie series would be nothing short of remarkable.

Earlier this year, at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Miami, Vin Diesel was seen hanging out with Cruise and Ludacris, which sparked rumors of a possible collaboration between the pair for Fast 11. And the actor cum producer’s suspiciously coy reaction while addressing the rumors just might have confirmed the same.

At the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project 2023 Block Party annual charity event, Terri Seymour from Extra’s got a chance to talk to the Riddick actor. There, she confronted him about the rumors of having Cruise for the next Fast flick. To this, Diesel’s reaction was:

“Terri, come on. This is too hot. It’s too hot for the press. It’s sizzling, I tell you.”

While he didn’t admit to the rumors, Vin Diesel didn’t deny them either, which just might mean that fans could be in for a lovely surprise to see their two favorite action figures in a sizzling collaboration for the upcoming Fast 11.

Fans Aren’t The Only Ones Shipping Tom Cruise For Fast 11

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

Although Vin Diesel didn’t give a clear answer to the Fast franchise fans, his co-star from the Fast & Furious film series, Charlize Theron, has made it evident that she wants Tom Cruise in Fast 11.

In an interview with Access Hollywood, the Atomic Blonde actress was asked about her thoughts on having Cruise for the next Fast installment. To this, she said:

“It should happen. I mean, why not? I mean, was there an invite sent? Like, I mean, send him an invite. [Interviewer: I mean, the fans are sending an invite.] Well then, he can’t say no. And it’s done. Let’s go!”

All these signs are all pointing at the rumors of the possible collaboration to be true. But then again, we can’t just say anything yet because of no official confirmation. So, as of now, fans will just have to wait until the release of Fast 11 to know if their heartfelt wish actually comes true or not.

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